Take The Pressure Out of Tapping Pipes Under Pressure
Ideal for Decontamination and Disposal (D&D) work, D-Series Pipe Tapping Tools facilitate tapping, sampling and draining the contents of pipe and pressure vessels. When used with a standard 3/8" Drill, the D-Series tools provide a clean drilled 0.25" or 0.38" diameter hole in host pipe. The large 3/4" NPT outlet on the tools' body provides sampling and drainage port. Simple bolt-on installation – no welding or pyrotechnics are needed.
Two configurations available:
DTT Model - taps into the underside of the host pipe at a low point in the line.
- DTT kit includes tapping tool, saddle assembly, and pipe cap for indicated host pipe size.
D2 Model - taps and drains host pipes lying along the floor or other obstructions.
- D2 kit includes tapping tool, saddle and backing assembly, and pipe cap for indicated host pipe size.
Features & Benefits
- Operating Pressure: 285 psi (19.6 Bar) at 100ºF (38ºC).
- Safe: No welding or pyrotechnics needed.
- Simple to Use: Bolt-on, attach valve, attach drill to operate.
- Standard Materials: D-Series tool bodies and saddle assemblies are stainless steel. All drills, retaining rings, U-bolts, and bolting hardware are carbon steel. D-Series Tapping Tools use PTFE packing and gasket materials. Titanium Nitride coated drill bits optional.
- Quality Assurance System: Compliant with several Quality Assurance Programs and U.S. nuclear industry standards including; ANSI N45.2, NQA-1, 10CFR 50 Appendix B, and 10CFR 21.
- Other Sizes and Materials: Contact Customer Service.