Pop-A-Plug® Boiler Tube Plugs

Make Boiler Repairs Faster & Easier - Reduce Downtime, Eliminate Welding, Save Money...

  • Operating pressures to 1000 psi (69 Bar)
  • Sizes for 1.638" to 1.823" (40.11 mm to 46.30 mm) ID Tubes
  • Helium leak tight to 1x10-10 cc/sec
  • Use in either water or fire tube boilers
  • Ideal for HRSG's

These boiler repair plugs reliably plug boiler tubes without welding or time-consuming pre-heating.

Pop-A-Plug Boiler Plugs are made for fast, easy installation, just position the plug in place and set it with an easy-to-use hydraulic tool ram.
Unique breakaway controls installation force to ensure a positive seal without damage to the tube, tube-to-tube sheet joints, providing a reliable, leak-tight seal in just minutes. Repairs go faster, and expensive downtime is substantially reduced. No welding also means no waiting for inspections.

BOILER TUBE Features & Benefits

  • Unmatched Performance Under Pressure: Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs are conservatively rated for 1000 psi (69 Bar) service @ 1000°F. Higher pressures and temperatures are available - Contact factory.

  • Safe: Once installed, Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs will not eject under pressure like hammer-in taper plugs. They are pressure rated up to 7000 PsiG (483 BarG) - tested to 1.5 safety ratio.

  • Cost-Effective: Permanent solution engineered for optimal performance throughout the life cycle of equipmentSafe: Once installed Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs will not eject under pressure like hammer-in taper plugs.

  • Leak Tight Seal: Properly installed Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs are helium leak tight to 1 x 10-10 cc/sec.

  • Quick Installation Minimizes Downtime: Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs are simple mechanical plugs which can be installed hydraulically in minutes without damaging the tube, tubejoint or tubesheet. Installs using standard Pop-A-Plug System Ram Package or Manual Installation Tool. Controlled and repeatable installation force protects surrounding tubes and adjacent ligaments from damage.

  • Easy Sizing and Installation: Use PAP Tube Cleaning Brush to prepare the tube end, gauge the tube with a PAP Go / No-Go Gauge, select the matching plug size and POP. Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs may be removed when its time to retube.

  • Kit: Available in kits of six plugs with a unique tube prep brush.

  • Materials: Always match Pop-A-Plug Boiler tube plugs material to the tube material. Pop-A-Plug Boiler Tube Plugs are available for immediate shipment in CrMo alloy. Other alloys can be supplied by request - Contact factory. All plugs are laser etched with a lot number.

  • Ordering Information: When ordering, specify tube OD and wall thickness or measured tube ID, tube material, tubesheet material if plug will be installed directly into tubesheet, maximum pressure and temperature, type of tube to tubesheet joint (rolled, welded, etc.) and condition of tubes and age of heat exchanger. Specifications subject to change.

  • Quality Assurance System: Manufactured under a Quality Assurance Program certified to ISO 9001 and several U.S. nuclear power industry standards including ANSI N45.2, NQA-1, 10CFR 50 Appendix B, and 10CFR 21. 

  • Quality Assurance System: Manufactured under a Quality Assurance Program certified to ISO 9001 and several U.S. nuclear power industry standards, including ANSI N45.2, NQA-1, 10CFR 50 Appendix B, and 10CFR 21. 

  • Plug and tube materials to prevent galvanic interaction.

  • No welding is required.


Boiler Tube Applications

Mechanical Plugs should be considered in situations where friction fit tapered plugs are not appropriate for the pressure and/or temperature of service or other mechanical/environmental conditions.

Plugging Method

Friction fit tapered plugs can be expelled during shell side pressure testing or from tubes that have not been properly vented prior to plugging, potentially resulting in serious safety concerns for surrounding personnel and equipment. 

Friction Fit Boiler Tube Tapered Plugs Risks & Dangers

  • Do not conform to ASME PCC-2 recommended tube plugging repair methods
  • in applications above 200 PsiG (14 BarG) / 400°F (205°C)
  • Lack of pressure rating resulting in unknown safety factor
  • Can eject when the system is pressurized and become a lethal projectile
  • Can overstress and/or damage tube joints and crack tube sheets due
  • to uncontrolled installation force
  • Can damage expensive epoxy coated tube sheets resulting in costly repairs
  • May require welding in higher pressure services/applications
  • Welded installations may make re-tubing extremely difficult and expensive